LCA Food 2008

LCA Food 2008

LCA Food 2008 took place in Zurich, Switzerland from 12 to 14 November. It was organised by Agroscope, the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research. The objectives of the conference were

  • To show recent developments in terms of methodology, approaches, databases and tools
  • To present applications of the LCA methodology in new case studies or case studies showing new aspects in various food chains
  • To present successful examples of communicating LCA results to stakeholders and their use  in decision making

We experienced a strong increase in the number of participant to 160 originating from 32 countries. In particular an increase of non-European participants was noticed. 51 oral and 62 poster presentations were held. An increasing activity was observed in the fields of databases and tools, assessment of land and water use, ecotoxicity, food processing, decision support and linking to economic assessments. 



Book of Abstracts

Modification date: 23 March 2023 | Publication date: 13 March 2017 | By: Thomas Nemecek